Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bath Time

Rylinn enjoys her bath time. She loves to go swimming in the tub and play with the ducks. She splashes everyone even her self. We plan to take her to the 1ft pool this summer and hope she enjoys it has much as her bath time.
If you look very closely at the first picture you can see her two front bottom teeth that have been for about an month.

UPDATE: Her fever went down and away then she had a cold. We had to take Rylinn to the doctor because she was pulling on her ear. She had her first ear infection but never cried or screamed. She should be over the ear infection we just hope that it doesn't bother her when we fly in a week.

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1 comment:

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Awe, so cute! I just gave Taeya her bath this morning which she loves. She is going to her 2 month appt today and getting 4 shots I believe. :( Yuck! I hope she does well after them.