Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shoveling Snow

Today we woke up to a car that was stuck in the snow bank but it couldn't go any where because there was two cars stuck below it. So Michael decided to shovel the drive way so the car could turn around and go back up hill. There was a golf cart with studded tires that wanted to get by the stuck car. It took everyone to help shovel the road and part of our drive way because there was a lot of ice. Then later in the afternoon a truck came barreling down the road and slid into a snow bank. It was better than T V. With the snow we have more cars on street than we see on a normal day. Here are some pictures of what Michael shoveled.

This our neighbor shoveling out a path.
Part of the driveway shoveled
All the snow that was shoveled
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Playing in the snow

Today was a nice day and a break in the storm for a couple of hours. Tonight the rain has come in I hope it doesn't freeze.. All the neighbors were out shoveling their driveways. Rylinn and I came out to show our support ( instead of rylinn taking a nap) and play in the snow.

Rylinn had a rough day playing in the snow
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Friday, January 25, 2008

Rylinn Playing the Snow

Here is the amount of snow that we got, about 3 feet and Rylinn playing in the the little cave Michael dug out for her.

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More Snow Pictures

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Still Snowing

Today is Friday and it is still snowing. Last night Michael and I went snowshoeing in our front yard and Michael took the snowshoes to work today. He is really bummed because he is sitting in the office while the others check out the system and use the snow shoes. I think he is going to snowshoe home. Megan, Michael is snow shoeing because the roads are like the "bowling alley" but with people sledding in the road. It is an adventure when in driving on the roads especially because to get off the mountain and get to the main road you have to go down hill. On Wed. Michael was in a car that enacted the the bowling alley. At the top of the hill the car started going down hill and saw a car stuck in the road and slid into it and bounce off that car and continued sliding the down the hill until in ran into the next car that was stuck. The car that was being the bowling ball, the car Michael was in, didn't even had a scratch on it. The whole Mountain on Wed. was one big bowling alley. Remember these are four wheel cars and trucks with chains on them. Insane.
Well it is a snow week. Above ( the post above) are some pictures from the morning.

Over 2 Feet of Snow

Pictures of from last night Thursday 1/24

Picture of the car that hasn't moved.

Front of the house

Street to the left and snow burm to the right

Front yard, the reflector stick is almost buried

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More Snow

It has not stop snowing all day and the plow has come by our street twice and you wouldn't know it. Mike barely made it home tonight from work. At work 2 people got into accidents by sliding on the snow and ice in four wheel drive vehicles. On the way home his co worker was driving three of them home and slide into two cars. So Michael walked home from his house which is all up hill and about an ten minute walk with out snow. Mike said he slipped several times. As soon as he got home they called him into plow. Since he left his car at work and nobody wanted to travel to the higher elevation they sent a plow to get him. The plow couldn't find our address so Michael had to run after or slide after it. Now he is plowing on the valley floor and I'm sure will have more stories to tell.

I took are 55 pound dog outside today and there was so much snow it went to her shoulders and she didn't even need to squat to use the bathroom. She actually love the snow and prefers it to dirt. She loves to run , jump and roll in it.

Right now we have a 2 hour delay for tomorrow and will see if we get a snow day. We actually got a big storm that the news was talking about. Stay tune for more snow adventures.


We have more snow.Today is another snow day. The storm is suppose to last until Saturday so we will see if we have school the rest of the week. It hasn't stop snowing all morning and the plows have not been sent out yet. It took Mike an hour to get to work when it usually takes him 5 min. He had driven down the street with one chain on and then had to stop and put he other chain on. Then the chain broke. So I'm not sure how he finally made to work but he did and I'm not sure how he will get home if he doesn't have chains to get up the hill. He said that the road underneath the snow was slick. We will see if he makes it home for lunch.

On Friday we went to Rylinn's 6 month doctors appointment. She gains about 3 pounds every 2 months and keeps climbing the the percentile ranks. We she was born she was in 15 percentile and now she has made it to the 60 percentile in weight. She is 16 pound 7 ounces. She is on track for everything. She is alert moving and talking in her own language. The teeth are our next challenge she has been teething since she was three months and every time the doctor looks into her mouth he sees the teeth and says that she will have teeth any time but no teeth yet. At the this appointment he was surprise to see that there were no teeth. She keeps teasing us with signs that teeth will appear one day. We think they will all come in at once and one she wake up with them in her mouth. She is now tasting new foods and enjoys eating. She has her dads love of food and his hollow leg. She is a champion eater and the problem is that we can't feed her fast enough.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


It has been snowing since about 4:30 PM and hasn't stopped. They have already called a snow delay and hoping for a snow day. It depends on how fast they can clear the roads and how much more it snows. Here are pictures of our front yard at 10:30 tonight.

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Rylinn and Rice Cereal

Rylinn trying to eat her spoon.

We are still learning what to do with the cereal that goes in our mouth.

She opens her mouth wide but her tongue gets in the way.

She is full.
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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mike at Work

Mike has a new job in our small town working at the water company ( for about 3 months). It has changed his commute from an hour -hour and half to five mintues. He enjoys his new job and learning about the ins and outs of water. Most of all he enjoys the time he gets with Rylinn. He gets home 3 hours earlier than he did from his other job.This week he his on call and will have to deal with any emergency at night. Lucky Mike during work hours a water main broke so everybody on today is working late to fix it. Mike got home at 9:00PM from the water leak.

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New Years Day Hike

We had a fun New Years Eve at a friends house playing games. To start the New Year off right and to celebrate my mom's birthday we went on a hike in the National Forest near our house. We started on a bike/horse trail that our stroller did pretty well. However we got brave and let our dog Sadie lead us on her on trail. Which caused to go off roading, around, over, and under obstacles. We were amazed on how well our stroller handled. The most amazing part is Rylinn slept through all the bumps, lifting, plants hitting and ducking. It was quite the adventure.

Rylinn right after the hike.