Monday, June 30, 2008


Rylinn started out as small baby and wore new born for almost three months and then all of the sudden she skipped to 9 months clothes and went right into 12 months clothes. She transformed form a small baby to a big baby over night and started looking like my sister's kids. She has always been a content baby and an observer. So because of her weight and personality we thought she would never crawl but when she reached 11 months she was ready to get a moving and now we can't stop her. In the pictures she is crawling for the camera.

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Many people don't believe that Rylinn cries or has a cranky moment because most of the time in public she is happy and laughing. I took pictures of her crying after her nap for proof that she does cry. The last picture she started posing and almost smiling for the camera. AND as my dad would say she got happy again.

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The D Family

Our extend family was driving through so Rylinn and I went to meet them for lunch. Aunt Ang was the first time she meet Rylinn and Rylinn enjoyed her calculator. When Rylinn was two weeks old we went camping with them and that was the last time she saw grandma and grandpa D. She enjoyed the visit can't wait to see you in August.

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Magic Mountain

We have season passes to Magic Mountain and Micheal has a co work that enjoys it has much as him. We try to take him when we can. They took the day off work and spent the whole day there. Rylinn and I hung out with Kathleen and her family. When we went back Mike took a break from the big rides and took Rylinn to the kiddie area. First we went into the balls and Mike and his friend enjoyed shooting the balls and only used Rylinn to get in. She enjoyed her time with her dad. Then we went to a jail and Rylinn hung on to bars very tightly just as if is was in the crib jail at KP's church. Then Mike and Rylinn went on Thomas the train. She loves the ride and scream for joy every time she is on it. After that Mike sat with Rylinn as she slept and let me go on some rides. It was fun. When we got to the car we realized my season pass fell out of his pocket on a ride. Now we need to figure out how to get a new one.

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We live in the middle of the national forest and with that we share our land with many animals. We have foxes, dear, coyotes ( that walk in the middle of our street), Mountain Lions, and rabbits. Since the fires 2 Octobers ago the animals have come into the community and are getting braver. We have a couple of families of bears that live in the national forest and in the green belt near homes. Many bears have broken into homes, climbed balconies, and sat on cars. We almost hit a bear crossing the street one night. There are even signs warning of bear crossing we you turn on the main road. Mike's co-worker lives on the edge of the green belt and two different bears come into his yard and on his porch several times a night. One of the bears has cubs they come sometimes. The other just seems to sit there. One night we were over at his house and the bears came right up and sat down. We went outside to see them. The mother bear ran off the bigger bear. We were waiting for the cubs to come but they never did. Rylinn and I stayed on the upper deck while Mike and his friend stayed on the stairs that were in a fenced in area. The bears were still a distance but weren't bothered by us at all. Here are some pictures of our National geographic moments.

The mother bear with the cubs in the tree behind her.

The big bear laying by the house

Rylinn and I on the upper deck

Rylinn and I watching the bears.
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Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

For Fathers day we went to Magic MT. and stayed from opening to closing.

Going to Magic MT. Can't you see the excitement

To dad and Grandpa Lee:

Rylinn enjoys her dad spending any time she can with him. They have a special Language and a special bond.
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Mike's Birthday

On Friday we went to Magic Mt. and got go on rides with hardly any lines. Thanks to the Predisatts for watching Rylinn.For Mike's Birthday we went hiking along the beach . Rylinn enjoyed being inthe back pack and even fell asleep. While Sadie enjoyed being with other dogs and people. She wanted to meet everybody. After hiking we went shopping for Mike and as we were driving in the parking lot someone backed into our car as we were drving by. Overall it was a fun day.

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Great Grandma

We also visiting great grandma. Rylinn enjoyed playing with great grandma and they had many conversations. She was a hit with all the people in the home. She smiled and wave and clapped at all the people. Great Grandma enjoyed playing with ball with her.

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Visiting Cousins

Rylinn got to visit her cousin in northern CA. They enjoyed playing with her and sharing their toys. She enjoyed laughing with them and playing dress up.


Gavin and Rylinn

Abby looking like a movie star

Abby dressing up Rylinn
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