Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Playing with food

Rylinn enjoys her food and really enjoys playing and exploring her food.

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Playing in the box

We had to get a new car seat because Rylinn is too big for her carrier. Rylinn loved playing in the huge box that came the car seat. She spent a long time exploring all the different flaps.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Visit with Cousins

In Feb. my sister and her family came to visit us. We had a little bit a snow that was bit icy. Gavin was a trooper climbing back up it. Rylinn enjoyed hanging out and playing with her cousins. Abby enjoyed visiting all of her old toys and showing them to Rylinn. We enjoyed there visit.

Gavin sledding
Gavin and Rylinn
The cousin train
Gavin feeding Rylinn
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