Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sitting up

On Monday we had another snow day but it was a relaxing day at home. First I thought I would do something productive and do the landuary. Then I went up stairs and a fuse blew and I had to go out in the deep snow to trip the switch. I had to do about 6 times that day. Then I went to check the clothes in the dryer and they were still wet. Then our wood stove was blowing smoke in the house and we couldn't start fire. Rylinn and I were sitting around a space heater bundled up in many layers of clothes. So we had little heat, no dryer and the circuit kept popping. It made for an eventful day. The one positive thing that happened was Rylinn began sitting up by herself.
Here are some pictures from the day.

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1 comment:

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I sent you a birth announcement for Taeya but it got returned to me. I have (or thought I had) your mountain address. Can you email me your address at my meganomesh email addy? Thanks! :)